

PRODUK LUAR JANGKAAN DEFIFA..!!!!!!! by Amirhilmi Bin Zulkifli

Our jet fighter–to-be Farisnizar Baser and our naughty known Zulhilmi Zalizan.. they were two person who deserve big applause, honour and ‘raise up hat’. ..Say Whuddd..!!!! Farisnizar with his accomplishment on PULL-G (gravity machine/jet-pilot stuff..aku pon x tau lebih mendalam).. he reached out 8 points over 9..It was a big number..! Sumthin awesome when it just needed 5 points to forget about repeating that gravity test . Sesuatu yang membanggakan komuniti.Ask him bout how crazy that crap machine pressed him.. twist and swing him over and over.How strong our monkey much we love u like everyday we wanna serve u a proper meal for your breakfast..KAMU MEMANG HANDAL..!!!
And here we go.. our Zulhilmi Zalizan.. he will be performing at the biggest teenagers stage.. please tell me u r critically geek if u didn’t know what is Rock The World event.. ya!!! He will be there with his guitar..with his BLEEDING MASCARA.. No second budak saina will be on that stage after this scene of malaysian music me..! ini adalah satu pencapaian luar biasa.. yang jarang2 kita dgr.. bayangkan.. budak sain pokok sena main Rock The World..uhh..!!!!!!! sempoi2..!!!!
Check this out

Rock The World 9, sunway Lagoon Theme Park..12/19/2009
Bleeding Mascara (band)